Sunday, September 16, 2012

clean your walls the easy way.

Ok here is a trick I learned from a friend of mine who smokes.

As an ex-smoker I know what it's like to not be able to always smoke outside, especially living in Florida. It rains sideways, we have bugs large enough to carry off unattended small children, and sometimes it's just too damn hot. She rents and they aren't supposed to smoke inside. So this is what she does after the "holy crap screw this I'm not smoking out there!!" incidents.

You take a swiffer dry and attach the wet pads. You can also soak a rag in diluted pine sol or fabuloso.

I used the Dollar General Wet pads for the Swiffer.

You simply get your pad and Swiffer together and begin to scrub your walls.

Just make sure you take your frying pan screen off the wall first >.>

This really doesn't work on walls with heavy texture like spackeling (sp?! spell check can't seem to figure that one out....) because it tears the pad to tiny little pieces and makes an even worse mess.

Let me know how it worked for you!

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